WEST HARRISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION MONTHLY MEETING – 4:00 PM May 22, 2024 LIBRARY – MONDAMIN, IA The West Harrison Community School District Board of Education met in …


WEST HARRISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION MONTHLY MEETING – 4:00 PM May 22, 2024 LIBRARY – MONDAMIN, IA The West Harrison Community School District Board of Education met in regular session with the following present: Randy Wohlers, Julie Kuhlman, and Kim Nunez Directors. Marty Fonley, Superintendent, and Tonya Radil, Board Secretary/Treasurer. Visitors. Called to Order. The meeting was called to order in the Library at 4:05 p.m. by President Wohlers. Roll Call. Consent Agenda. A motion was made by Director Kuhlman and second by Director Nunez to consent agenda. No Discussion. Directors Wohlers aye, Kuhlman aye, and Nunez aye. 3-0 motion carried. Public Hearing on the FY 23-24 Budget Amendment. The public hearing was opened by President Wohlers at 4:06 PM. Mr. Fonley reviewed the FY 23-24 budget amendment. There was no public comments. Public hearing was closed at 4:07 PM. Consideration of FY23-24 Budget Amendment. A motion was made by Director Nunez and second by Director Kuhlman to adopt the FY 23-24 Amended Budget. No Discussion. Directors Wohlers aye, Kuhlman aye, and Nunez aye. 3-0 motion carried. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4:08 PM. Tonya Radil, Board Secretary Randy Wohlers, President MVTN 5-29-24