WEST HARRISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING – 4:00 PM August 27, 2024 LIBRARY – MONDAMIN, IA The West Harrison Community School District Board of Education met in …


WEST HARRISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING – 4:00 PM August 27, 2024 LIBRARY – MONDAMIN, IA The West Harrison Community School District Board of Education met in special session with the following present: Vice President Julie Kuhlman via zoom, Lorraine Thomas, and Kim Nunez Directors. Tonya Radil, Board Secretary/Treasurer and Jackie Fonley, Principal. Marty Fonley, Superintendent, via zoom. Visitors. Called to Order. The meeting was called to order in the Library at 4:00 p.m. by Vice President Kuhlman. Roll Call. Vice President Kuhlman present via zoom, Director Thomas present, and Director Nunez present. Consideration of the board policy readings 501.09 and 501.09 R1. A motion was made by Director Nunez and seconded by Director Thomas to approve the board policy readings 501.09 and 501.09 R1. These policies are mandatory language related to chronic absenteeism and truancy as required by Senate File 2435. No Discussion. Directors Kuhlman aye, Thomas aye, Nunez aye. 3-0 motion carried Consideration of Handbook Changes to Comply with Senate File 2435. A motion was made by Director Thomas and seconded by Director Nunez to approve the Senate File 2435. With the passage of SF2435 the handbooks needed to be updated with new information regarding chronic absenteeism and truancy. These changes include procedures, timelines, and definitions for dealing with chronic absenteeism. They also address truancy in regards to when and how the county attorney will be involved. No Discussion. Directors Kuhlman aye, Thomas aye, and Nunez aye. 3-0 motion carried. The next regular board meeting will be on September 11, at 6:30 PM. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM. Tonya Radil, Board Secretary Julie Kuhlman, Vice President MVTN 9-4-24