REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 – 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law …


REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 – 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour. Mayor Cogdill called the meeting to order with the following members present: LENNING via phone, VANDEMARK, GAU, MANN. BANTAM. Mayor Cogdill led the pledge of allegiance. Motion Bantam/Mann to approve the agenda. Ayes: 5, Motion carried. Motion Gau/Lenning to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 8/14/2024 & 8/23/2024, b) approve the bills/receipts as presented, c) approve Cash & Investment reports – July 2024 & Aug. 2024, d) approve Budget Report - July 2024 & Aug. 2024, e) approve liquor license for Campo Azul, f) approve liquor license for Lucky Wife Wine Slushies for Applefest, g) approve Garrett Hick’s 6 months wage increase from $20.46 to $21. 46 effective 8-21-2024. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Mayor read and signed the Proclamation for Constitution Week. Opened Public Hearing at 6:38pm for the proposed amendment to the 410 Walker Urban Renewal Area. Closed Public Hearing at 6:39pm. No oral or written comments were received. Opened Public Hearing at 6:39pm for the proposed designation of the Highway 30 Urban Renewal Area. Closed Public Hearing at 6:40pm. No oral or written comments were received. Mayor Report: Governor Reynolds visited Woodbine last week for an update on Foodland, Harvest Hills and MainStreet progress, and there will be a public forum on September 17th, at the IGNITE building, regarding planning for Walker St and sidewalks. Citizen Input – None Motion Vandemark/Mann to approve out door liquor license for Good Fellows for Applefest. Ayes: 5, Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to re-appoint Doug McElwein to Board of Adjustments. Ayes: 5, Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to appoint Johanna Pothast to Board of Adjustments. Ayes: 5, Motion carried. Motion Gau/Lenning to appoint Ken Giese to Planning & Zoning Board. Ayes: 5, Motion carried. Consensus on the discussion to adopt TIF Guidelines was to table it until the next meeting. Motion Gau/Bantam to amend motion from May 8th, 2024 on TIF agreement terms at 523 Walker St for Tony Smith to 100% for 15 years. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to approve the basic language of the Garbage Contracts. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to approve Change Order #1 for Hawthorne & 1st Street Culvert Project for $14,480.00. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to approve PCE #2 for Hawthorne & 1st Street Culvert Project. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Bantam to approve moving forward with the outside, $8,500 portion, of the estimate for Library building repairs. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to approve Resolution #2024-41 Declaring necessity and establish an Urban Renewal Area. Pursuant to Section 403.4 of the Code of Iowa and approve Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the 410 Walker Urban Renewal Area. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to approve Resolution #2024-42 Declaring necessity and establish an Urban Renewal Area. Pursuant to Section 403.4 of the Code of Iowa and approve Urban Renewal Plan and Projects for the Woodbine Highway 30 Urban Renewal Area. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Bantam/Mann to approve first reading of Ordinance #2024-9-11 Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the Woodbine Highway 30 Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Mann to wave second and third readings of Ordinance #2024-9-11 Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the Woodbine Highway 30 Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Mann to adopt Ordinance #2024-9-11 Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the Woodbine Highway 30 Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to approve first reading of Ordinance #2024-9-12 Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the September, 2024 Addition to the 410 Walker Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Mann to wave second and third readings of Ordinance #2024-9-12 Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the September, 2024 Addition fo the 410 Walker Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Lenning to adopt Ordinance #2024-9-12 Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the September, 2024 Addition to the 410 Walker Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Lenning to approve Resolution #2024-43 setting a date of meeting for Oct. 9th, 2024 at 6:30pm, at which it is proposed to approve a Development Agreement with 504 Walker LLC, including Annual Appropriation Tax Increment Payments. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to approve Resolution #2024-44 setting a date of meeting for Oct. 9th, 2024 at 6:30pm, at which it is proposed to approve a Development Agreement with Jason Barry, including Annual Appropriation Tax Increment Payments. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to approve renewal of 28E Agreement with Woodbine Community School District for Jiujitsu and related services. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Mann to approve renewal of 28E Agreement with Woodbine Community School District for a School Resource Officer. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Bantam/Vandemark to approve renewal of lease with IGNITE for office space for Police Dept. without changes. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to NOT approve renewal of 28E Agreement with Woodbine Community School District for shared personnel. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Consensus of the discussion on the need for Council to review the Utility Billing & Bank Statements monthly was to alternate the duty among council members quarterly beginning with Mann. City Administrator Koch reported the auditors have completed their field work on the 2024 audit but has received no word on the 2023 audit, she will get back to working on the codification of ordinances and that the City Offices had new flooring installed. Public Works Director Androy reported his department is preparing the city for Applefest. Police Chief Jensen also reported his department is preparing for Applefest and they will have 5 officers on duty that day. Motion Gau/Vandemark to adjourn at 8:23pm. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Mayor, Rob Cogdill ATTEST: City Clerk, Toni Hanson Waite MVTN 9-18-24