REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 – 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law on …


REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 – 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour. Mayor Cogdill called the meeting to order with the following members present: LENNING, VANDEMARK, GAU, MANN, & BANTAM. Mayor Cogdill led the pledge of allegiance. Motion Vandemark/Gau to approve the agenda. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 5/8/2024, b) approve the bills/receipts as presented, c) approve Cash & Investment reports – Apr 2024 & May 2024, d) approve Budget Report -Apr 2024 & May 2024, e) approve renewal of tobacco license(s): Casey’s General Store, Dollar General & Foodland. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Mayor Report: Mayor Cogdill made a statement expressing how proud and appreciative he was when witnessing the knowledge and professionalism of our Woodbine Fire Department during the Casey’s gas leak last weekend. He remarked on how bad it could have been if not for the quick thinking of the Fire Dept. to keep it out of the river. Citizen Input – Anita Allmon spoke on citizen’s concerns regarding children around the retention ponds in the new Harvest Hills Subdivision. Carrie Murdock stated that the water will be pumped out and the City Administrator stated the city will erect signage. Motion Gau/Mann to table amending City’s current insurance policy with EMC to give council members time to review the information presented. Bonnie Castillo gave a presentation on the Harrison County Emergency Agency and also expressed her appreciation for the fire department. Motion Vandemark/Bantam to amend the legal description on Deed to Coenen’s for 515 Walker St. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Lenning to approve allowing the can redemption site to remain where it currently is contingent on receiving an acceptable contract to be reviewed & possibly approved by council at the July 10th council meeting. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. The request from Jason Barry for TIF was tabled due to council wanting more information. Motion Vandemark/Bantam to commit $25,000.00 for FY24-25 toward a Downtown Historic District Building Improvement Grant. The grant will be a 50/50 match per applicant with the city contributing up to $5,000.00. The program will be reviewed annually. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to waive 2nd & 3rd readings of Ordinance Amendment #2024-6-1 amending Title IX - Chapter 1 – Gas utility to waive the $1.30 fee for automatic utility bill payments & add a reconnection fee of $75.00 if reconnected during business hours and $150.00 if reconnected after business hours. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Bantam to adopt Ordinance Amendment #2024-6-1 amending Title IX - Chapter 1 – Gas utility to waive the $1.30 fee for automatic utility bill payments & add a reconnection fee of $75.00 if reconnected during business hours and $150.00 if reconnected after business hours. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Lenning/Bantam to waive 2nd & 3rd reading of Ordinance Amendment 2024-6-2 amending Title VII – Chapter 5 – to amend sewer rates. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Bantam/Lenning to adopt Ordinance Amendment 2024-6-2 amending Title VII – Chapter 5 – to amend sewer rates. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Discussion on downtown sidewalks resulted in the council reaching a consensus to proceed with a meeting with downtown business owners. Discussion on airport mowing was tabled with council wanting to visit with members of the airport board. Motion Gau/Mann to approve Resolution #2024-31 setting wages for FY 24-25 effective July 1, 2024. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to approve Resolution #2024-32 approving 23-24 fiscal year end transfers. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Mann to authorize the City Administrator and City Clerk to pay remaining bills for FY 23-24 through June 30, 2024. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. City Administrator Koch reported our annual EMC Insurance audit for payroll & workman’s comp was successfully completed. The State Audit is finished and they will be calling to schedule an exit interview. A representative of EMC Insurance completed a review of city facilities with a few minor findings to be addressed. Motion Lenning/Bantam to adjourn at 9:15pm. Ayes 5 Motion carried. MVTN 6-19-24