Logan-Magnolia Community School July 10, 2024 The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of the Logan-Magnolia Community School District was held on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the …


Logan-Magnolia Community School July 10, 2024 The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of the Logan-Magnolia Community School District was held on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the media center. Roll call vote was answered by board president Brian Koenig, vice president Julia Witte, director Derrick Mether, director Brianne Niedermyer, and director Travis Kuhlman; Also present were superintendent Jacob Hedger, business manager Daniel Mikels, secondary principal Blake Dickinson, elementary principal Jill Kiger, and technology Chase Christensen. Jeff Brehmer from Warner Insurance was present as well. 2. Review/Change/Approve Agenda Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the agenda changing Jeff Brehmer with Smith Davis before Technology Director Chase Christensen, seconded Julia Witte, carried. 5-0. 3. Public Speakers No public speakers were present. 4. Administrators’/ Directors’ Reports Smith Davis- Jeff Brehmer Spoke to the board about the upcoming year’s commercial insurance, and the changes that have been implemented wind and hail. Jeff spoke about moving to actual cash value. He spoke about the market right now. The board asked questions and will hear back from Smith Davis on options about the option of buying down the deductible. Jeff Brehmer left at 6:30 P.M. Technology Director Chase Christensen Spoke to the board about the technology policy updates and what he has been working on this summer. One of the documents he shared was the results from a Nationwide Cybersecurity Review. The review of the policies explained how the changes were made or updated. Artificial Intelligence was spoken about, and the risks involved with it. Chase Christensen left the meeting at 7:05 P.M. Elementary Principal Jill Kiger June was spent wrapping up the year and preparing for the new school year. Sharon and Mrs. Kiger updated handbooks, worked on the set up of JMC for standards-based grading, schedules and class lists. On June 12 Mrs. Kiger traveled to Des Moines to finish my first year on School Administrators of Iowa Rep Council. This council meets about 5 times a year to provide input on the work of SAI. I enjoy networking with colleagues from around the state. Mr. Hedger, Mr. Dickinson and Mrs. Kiger met with the AEA staff on June 7 to hear about changes and give input on our district’s needs. Mrs. Kiger, and Mr. Hedger spoke to the board about moving teachers around while waiting for the numbers of students per grade. Secondary Principal Blake Dickinson Mr. Dickinson introduced himself and thanked everyone that has reached out to him. He also explained what he has done so far while being here for the past few weeks. Superintendent Jacob Hedger Buss Center - Meeting with member schools and IWCC on July 17th to discuss the possible addition of an EMS/Firefighter set of courses. T.E.A.C.H. Program - Recipient provides: • 10% tuition and books • 9-18 college credits • Commitment to another year in the sponsoring program Employer provides: • Release time • Portion of tuition and books • Additional compensation (choose a model below) T.E.A.C.H. provides: • Remaining portion of tuition and books • Compensation for up to 48 hours of release time • Counseling • $1,000 bonus (BT2 and BT2+ only) • $100 travel/internet stipend Community and Staff engagement survey - Working with Jennifer Esser on a survey to gather initial feedback from parents and staff regarding their perception of the district. Plan to get engaged at the beginning of the school year. Also planning to do a community engagement meeting or two in September to outline our vision and mission for the district. IASB Convention – * November 20-22 in Des Moines * Let Daniel or Mr. Hedger know if you would like to attend Speed Notification Signs - I have been working with the city on placement of a speed notification sign on highway 127. Sharing Agreements - Logan-Magnolia CSD will have sharing agreements through the IGHSAU and/or the IHSAA in the following extracurricular activities for next year. Soccer (Woodbine), Softball (West Harrison), Girl’s Wrestling (Woodbine) AEA Services - The AEA has shared with us our tentative list of service providers for the school year. A few new faces. All services are covered. Personal - Mr. Hedger has completed his conditional administrative license from the Iowa BOEE. Thank you for your support throughout this process. 5. Consent Agenda Approve Minutes, Bills, and Financial Statements Julia Witte moved to approve the consent agenda, prepaid bills, board bills, financial statements, and minutes of June 5, 2024, meeting. The motion was seconded by Brianne Niedermyer, discussion, carried. 5-0. Fundraising – Softball and Panther Pride Run Open-Enrollment in- August & Justin Siefken-1 student, Christy Hotz-1 student. Open-Enrollment Out- None Personnel- Resignations- Shad Hornbeck, Trent Lally, and Gene Esser Contract- Melissa Klutts 2nd Assistant Volleyball- $2,450.00, Samantha Brunken Head JH Volleyball- $1,750.00, Bobbi Ann Koenig Asst. JH Volleyball- $1,400.00, and Delaney Aquallo Head Girls Basketball- $3,850.00. Mae Blum- Elementary Teacher $61,000.00. Julia Witte moved to approve the 2024-2025 Consortium Agreement with Council Bluffs School, seconded by Brianne Niedermyer, carried, discussed. 5-0. 6. Depositories 24-25 Julia Witte moved to appoint the following depositories for FY24-25, seconded by Brianne Niedermyer, discussed, carried. 5-0. Logan State Bank-$2,000,000.00 Community Bank-$200,000.00 Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust-$15,000,000.00 First National Bank of Omaha $7,000,000.00 7. Capturing Kids’ Hearts Travis Kuhlman moved to approve the contract with Capturing Kids’ Hearts for 2024-2025 School Year for $33,200.00, seconded by Brianne Niedermyer, carried, discussed. 5-0. 8. School Handbooks Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the 2024-2025 school year changes to the Secondary Handbook, Elementary Handbook, Kid Care Handbook, Panther Room Handbook, Preschool Handbook, seconded by Travis Kuhlman, discussed, carried. 5-0. 9. Calendar Change 2024-2025 School Year Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the change to the 24-25 school calendar as presented, seconded by Julie Witte, discussed, carried. 5-0. 10. Legal Strategy (Closed Session) Brianne Niedermyer moved to go into closed session at 8:22 PM according to Section 21.5(1)(c) of the Code of Iowa to discuss strategy with legal counsel, seconded by Travis Kuhlman. Roll call vote: Travis Kuhlman, aye; Brianne Niedermyer, aye; Derrick Mether, aye: Julie Witte, aye; Brian Koenig, aye; Motion carried. 5-0. Brianne Niedermyer moved to return to open session at 8:44PM, seconded by Travis Kuhlman. Roll call vote: Travis Kuhlman, aye; Brian Koenig, aye; Derrick Mether, aye; Julie Witte, aye; Brianne Niedermyer, aye; Motion carried. 5-0. 11. Milk Bid Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the contract with Hiland for the milk bid for FY24-25, seconded by Derrick Mether, carried, discussed. 5-0. 12. Bread Bid Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the contract with Pan-O-Gold for the bread products that will be served during FY24-25, seconded by Derrick Mether, carried, discussed. 5-0. 13.a Policy Updates Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the changes of 705.1 moving procurement levels up to $5,000.00 needing board approval and above $50,000.00 going through the RFP process, seconded by Travis Kuhlman, carried. 5-0. 13.b Policy Updates Travis Kuhlman moved to approve the changes of 401.18, 401.18E1, 401.19, 401.19R1, 508.6, and 508.8 as presented, seconded by Brianne Niedermyer, carried. 5-0. 14. Sub Teacher Pay Derrick Mether moved to approve the sub pay for teachers to $150.00 per day and $200.00 for long term subs, seconded by Travis Kuhlman, carried. 5-0. 15. Girls Wrestling Uniforms Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve purchase of girls wrestling singlets and shorts with RUBIS for $2,392.46, this cost will be shared with Woodbine, seconded by Julie Witte, discussed, carried. 5-0. 16. Safety Equipment transfer 23-24 Brianne Niedermyer moved that the board of education approve the transfer of funds for Fiscal Year 23-24 from the General Fund to the Student Activity Fund for expenditures made in the amount of $6,314.70 for athletic safety and protective gear (helmets, recondition football helmets, and shoulder pads) per Iowa Code Section 298A.8(2), seconded by Travis Kuhlman, discussion, carried. 5-0. 17. English Language Services Derrick Mether moved to approve the 2024-2025 Agreement with GHAEA for virtual English learner, seconded by Julie Witte, carried, discussed. 5-0. 18. Emswiler Architecture Contract Julie Witte moved to approve the contract with Emswiler Architecture for the elementary school addition for $75,000.00, seconded by Derrick Mether, carried, discussed. 5-0. 19. Crow’s Nest Mr. Hedger presented the bids and expenses the district has for the ongoing crow’s nest project. The board discussed. 20.a Construction- Change Orders Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the 008 and 009 change orders as presented seconded by Travis Kuhlman, discussed, carried. 5-0. 20.b Construction- Pay App #2 Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the application for pay application #2 presented, seconded by Travis Kuhlman, discussed, carried. 5-0. 20.c Construction- incite The board was presented with the latest Field Observation report from incite. Mr. Hedger, Director Koenig, and Director Kuhlman spoke to the board about the progress on the project. 21. Legal Counsel Travis Kuhlman moved to approve Ahlers and Cooney PC as legal counsel for FY 2024-2025, seconded by Brianne Niedermyer, discussed, carried. 5-0. 22. Heat Pump Bid Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the bid from Loftus Heating and Air for $8,437.00 for a water source heat pump, seconded by Derrick Mether, carried, discussed. 5-0. 23. High School Office Brianne Niedermyer moved to approve the bid from School Specialty for $4,513.34 for office cabinets for the high school office, seconded by Travis Kuhlman, carried, discussed. 5-0. 24. Board Reports. July 17, 2024, Workshop Next Board Meeting August 14, 2024. 25. Adjournment Brianne Niedermyer moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 P.M., seconded by Julie Witte, carried. 5-0. President Secretary OPERATING FUND 95 PERCENT GROUP INC., EARLY LIT SUPPLIES 239.80 Vendor Total: 239.80 ACCESS SYSTEMS INC., LEASE AGREEMENT COPIERS 437.61 Vendor Total: 437.61 AGRILAND FS, INC. 584 gal BIODIESEL 1,741.02 492 GAL GASOHOL 1,633.43 AGRILAND FS, INC., FLOOR DRY 169.50 Vendor Total: 3,543.95 AHLERS & COONEY PC, LEGAL SERVICES 67.00 AHLERS & COONEY PC, LEGAL SERVICES 767.00 Vendor Total: 834.00 AIRGAS USA, LLC, IND ART SUPP 132.11 Vendor Total: 132.11 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, SCHOOL SUPPLIES 1,446.19 Vendor Total: 1,446.19 BIO CORPORATION, JH SCIENCE SUPP 287.52 Vendor Total: 287.52 CAM HIGH SCHOOL OPEN ENROLLMENT-WITHIN IA 8,401.40 OPEN ENROLLMENT-WITHIN IA- TLC 405.51 Vendor Total: 8,806.91 CAPITAL ONE BANK PRE K SUPPLIES 649.62 PRE K SUPPLIES 649.63 TLC SUPPLIES 102.63 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES HS MATH 252.65 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES JH MATH 59.96 REPAIR PARTS HVAC 86.00 ZOOM SUBS. 159.90 TRAVEL SUPT CONST. 88.24 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES TK 144.85 LIBRARY BOOKS 455.25 SUPPLIES- EARLY LITERACY 115.05 TECH SUPPLIES 699.36 TLC SUPPLIES 95.91 HS PE 180.88 JH HIST. 41.96 HS SCIENCE SUPP AND SCALE 718.05 SUPPLIES (TEACHER QUALITY PROF DEVEL) 64.80 sped supplies 169.84 CAPITAL ONE BANK GRAD SUPPLIES 84.75 TECH SUPPLIES 149.99 TAG SUPPLIES 24.99 CLASS SUPP 1,3,5/6 GRADE 5,231.09 FCS CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 21.88 PE SUPPLIES 134.09 PD SUPPLIES 315.41 PRE K FIELD TRIP 351.45 AWARDS END OF YEAR 549.55 PE SUB. 11.76 GROUNDS SUPPLIES 35.20 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES SPED 1 177.38 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES SPED 2 177.38 ELEM MUSIC SUB. 125.00 HS MATH SUB. 13.50 ELEM TLC SUPP 68.39 Vendor Total: 12,206.39 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO, SUMMER SUPPLIES 1,624.25 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO, PLANT OPERATION & MAINT SUP. 399.94 Vendor Total: 2,024.19 CARSON-DELLOSA PUBL CO INC, ELEM KNG SUPP. 59.43 CARSON-DELLOSA PUBL CO INC, KGN CLASSROOM SUPP 19.96 Vendor Total: 79.39 CENTRAL IOWA DISTRIBUTING INC, cleaning supplies SUMMER SUPPLIES 1,642.00 Vendor Total: 1,642.00 CHERYL GREENWOOD, SUPPLIES 41.35 Vendor Total: 41.35 CHRISOPHERSEN CHIROPRACTIC, EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 100.00 CHRISOPHERSEN CHIROPRACTIC, EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 100.00 CHRISOPHERSEN CHIROPRACTIC, EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 100.00 Vendor Total: 300.00 CITY OF LOGAN, WATER 53.71 CITY OF LOGAN, WATER 206.02 CITY OF LOGAN, WATER 112.11 CITY OF LOGAN, WATER 785.01 Vendor Total: 1,156.85 COUNCIL BLUFFS COMM SCH DIST. OPEN ENROLLMENT-WITHIN IA 300.76 OPEN ENROLLMENT-WITHIN IA-TLC 14.60 Vendor Total: 315.36 COUNTRY HARDWARE GROUNDS SUPPLIES 63.25 IND ARTS CLASS SUPP 186.51 SCIENCE CLASS 39.92 PAINT/BUILD SUPPLIES 772.12 CREDIT (143.69) COUNTRY HARDWARE PAINT AND SUPPLIES 1,030.32 BUILDING SUPPLIES 351.78 GROUNDS SUPPLIES 456.93 Vendor Total: 2,757.14 DAVE LYON AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR, TRANSPORT A BUS 500.00 Vendor Total: 500.00 DENISON BULLETIN & REVIEW, LEGAL PRINTING 278.60 Vendor Total: 278.60 DRIVE RIGHT, LLC, DRIVERS ED 299.00 DRIVE RIGHT, LLC, DRIVERS ED. 299.00 Vendor Total: 598.00 ED M FELD EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC HIGH SCHOOL ACCESS DOORS, SAFETY GRANT 25,280.00 ELEM SCHOOL ACCESS DOORS, SAFETY GRANT 25,280.00 ED M FELD EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC, SEC. MONT. 66.00 ED M FELD EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC, REAPIR DOOR SERVICE 250.00 Vendor Total: 50,876.00 FAMILY CONNECTIONS, INC., GROUP THERAPY 375.00 Vendor Total: 375.00 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC, HS SCIENCE 17.04 Vendor Total: 17.04 GOODWILL INDUSTRIES, INC., LEVEL 2 IND. 1,600.00 Vendor Total: 1,600.00 HEARTLAND AEA, ELEM SUPPLIES 26.89 HEARTLAND AEA, GENERAL SUPPLIES TLC 108.70 Vendor Total: 135.59 HORNBECK TURF & TREE SERVICES, LLC, SPRAY 163.75 HORNBECK TURF & TREE SERVICES, LLC, LAWN CARE FERT 715.00 Vendor Total: 878.75 IA SCHOOL FINANCE INFORMATION SERV INC, MEMBERSHIP 24-25 1,058.30 Vendor Total: 1,058.30 IASBO, MEMBERSHIP FY 25 250.00 Vendor Total: 250.00 IFCSE CONFERENCE, PROF. DEVEL FCS 350.00 Vendor Total: 350.00 IOWA ASSOC. OF SCHOOL BOARDS, POLICY REF SUB FY 25 800.00 IOWA ASSOC. OF SCHOOL BOARDS, MEMBERSHIP 24-25 2,513.00 Vendor Total: 3,313.00 IOWA COLLEGE ACCESS NETWORK, COLL READ. CURR. 515.00 Vendor Total: 515.00 IOWA H S MUSIC ASSOC, LARGE GROUP REG. 145.00 Vendor Total: 145.00 ISCA, IA SCHOOL COUNC. MEM 65.00 Vendor Total: 65.00 J W PEPPER & SON INC, ELEM MUSIC SUPP 17.24 J W PEPPER & SON INC, ELEM MUSIC SUPP 192.99 J W PEPPER & SON INC, ELEM MUSIC SUPPLIES 12.50 Vendor Total: 222.73 KLEEN SLATE CONCEPTS, KGN SUPP. INST. 79.30 Vendor Total: 79.30 LOFTUS HEATING, INC., REPAIR PART CONTROL BOARD 567.00 LOFTUS HEATING, INC., GUAGES AND BALL VALVE 198.66 Vendor Total: 765.66 LOGAN AUTO SUPPLY, BELTS 33.84 REPAIR PARTS 46.09 LOGAN AUTO SUPPLY, GROUNDS SUPPLIES 34.06 PLANT OPERATION & MAINT SUP. 4.04 BELTS HVAC 224.26 KEY 6.03 OIL FOR BUSES 224.28 Vendor Total: 572.60 MENARDS, PLANT OPERATION & MAINT SUP. 110.02 Vendor Total: 110.02 MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL, GROUNDS SUPPLIES 196.55 MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL, GROUNDS SUPPLIES 147.75 Vendor Total: 344.30 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 270 CCF NATURAL GAS 59.60 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 6,746 KWH ELEC 770.02 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 3,280 KWH ELECTRICITY 400.34 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 23 CCF NATURAL GAS 27.73 1,920 KWH ELECTRICITY 231.33 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 588 KWH ELEC 89.80 NATURAL GAS 11.67 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 132 kwh ELECTRICITY 25.40 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 132,713 KWH ELEC 12,721.75 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, 377 CCF NATURAL GAS 262.02 Vendor Total: 14,599.66 MO VALLEY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT 187.06 MO VALLEY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, OPEN ENROLLMENT-WITHIN IA 42,075.20 OPEN ENROLLMENT-WITHIN IA-TLC 2,576.16 Vendor Total: 44,838.42 NASCO, ELEM SUPPLIES TLC 49.35 Vendor Total: 49.35 ODEYS INC, LINE CHALK 484.82 Vendor Total: 484.82 OFFICE DEPOT, SCHOOL SUPPLIES TAPE 324.95 OFFICE DEPOT, PAPER 177.80 OFFICE DEPOT, MARKERS 114.62 OFFICE DEPOT, YEARLY OFFICE/SCHOOL SUPPLIES 4,237.57 OFFICE DEPOT, SCHOOL SUPPLIES 197.71 OFFICE DEPOT, SCHOOL SUPPLIES 80.34 OFFICE DEPOT, INDEX CARDS 86.70 OFFICE DEPOT, SCHOOL SUPPLIES PAPER/TAPE 817.11 OFFICE DEPOT, CONS. PAPER 37.06 OFFICE DEPOT, SCHOOL SUPPLIES 133.64 OFFICE DEPOT, OFFICE SUPPLIES TAPE 240.95 OFFICE DEPOT, OFFICE SUPPLIES VELCRO TAPE 113.56 OFFICE DEPOT, const. paper 373.29 OFFICE DEPOT, MARKERS 36.95 OFFICE DEPOT, SUPPLIES- JH HOPE SQUAD 179.39 Vendor Total: 7,151.64 PERSONNEL CONCEPTS, LAW POSTERS 654.41 Vendor Total: 654.41 PITNEY BOWES, POSTAGE 195.33 Vendor Total: 195.33 PLANK ROAD PUBLISHING, INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES ELEM MUSIC 103.30 Vendor Total: 103.30 PRO-ED, INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES SPED 1 85.25 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES SPED 2 85.25 Vendor Total: 170.50 REALLY GOOD STUFF, library supplies 539.96 Vendor Total: 539.96 RENAISSANCE LEARNING INC, INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES-TLC 860.56 Vendor Total: 860.56 RURAL SCHOOL ADVOCATES, MEMBERSHIP 24-25 750.00 Vendor Total: 750.00 SCHMITT MUSIC CENTERS, EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICES 141.00 Vendor Total: 141.00 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIORS OF IOWA, MEMBERSHIP SAI DUES 24-25 605.00 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIORS OF IOWA, JK ELEM SAI MEMBER 864.00 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIORS OF IOWA, SAI MEMBERSHIP HS PRINC. 605.00 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIORS OF IOWA, MENT. AND IND. MS/HS PRIN 500.00 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIORS OF IOWA, NEW ADMIN HS PRIN MEM 110.00 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIORS OF IOWA, SAI CONF DUES 240.00 Vendor Total: 2,924.00 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES 24-25 424.42 Vendor Total: 424.42 SEVENTEEN STITCHES DESIGN CO., UNIFORMS 200.00 Vendor Total: 200.00 SUPREME SCHOOL SUPPLY CO, PERM FILES 198.48 Vendor Total: 198.48 TRI-CENTER HIGH SCHOOL, CC ENROLLMENT 629.89 TRI-CENTER HIGH SCHOOL, OE 23-24 7,413.00 TLC 536.70 TRI-CENTER HIGH SCHOOL, SPED LEVEL 3 IND. 18,388.56 OPEN ENROLLMENT-WITHIN IA SPED 3 20,038.56 Vendor Total: 47,006.71 VERIZON WIRELESS, TELEPHONE 257.65 Vendor Total: 257.65 VERNIER SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY, HS SCIENCE 662.77 Vendor Total: 662.77 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF IOWA, GARBAGE COLLECTION 725.39 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF IOWA, GARBAGE COLLECTION 110.95 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF IOWA, GARBAGE COLLECTION 725.39 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF IOWA, GARBAGE COLLECTION 89.49 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF IOWA, GARBAGE COLLECTION 110.95 Vendor Total: 1,762.17 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS, TELEPHONE 541.93 Vendor Total: 541.93 WOODBINE COMM SCH DIST, SPED TUITION - OE OUT 16,277.04 SPED TUITION OUT level 2 5,061.42 Vendor Total: 21,338.46 WOODHOUSE, SERVICE SUBR. 593.91 Vendor Total: 593.91 Fund Total: 245,750.10 CAPITAL PROJECTS GENESIS CONTRACTING GROUP, PAY APP #1 503,065.38 Vendor Total: 503,065.38 TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC, PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1,297.00 TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC, PROJECT MANAGEMENT 782.50 Vendor Total: 2,079.50 Fund Total: 505,144.88 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX ACCESS SYSTEMS INC., LEASE AGREEMENT COPIERS 1,750.43 Vendor Total: 1,750.43 IMAGINE LEARNING, SOFT WARE INST. CREDIT RECOVERY 8,800.00 Vendor Total: 8,800.00 LIGHTBOX SYSTEMS, FIREWALL- ERATE 769.96 Vendor Total: 769.96 NO RED INK CORP., SOFTWARE – INSTRUCTIONAL ENGLISH 4,732.80 Vendor Total: 4,732.80 TEACHER INNOVATIONS, INC, SOFTWARE – INSTRUCTIONAL 24-25 792.00 Vendor Total: 792.00 Fund Total: 16,845.19 PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT CMC NEPTUNE, COMPUTER SOFTWARE 2,120.00 Vendor Total: 2,120.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, INC., SOFT BUSINESS OFF. 4,400.00 Vendor Total: 4,400.00 Fund Total: 6,520.00 Checking Account Total: 774,260.17 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND ABRAHAM LINCOLN BAND BOOSTERS, COLOR GUARD CAMP 75.00 Vendor Total: 75.00 Abraham Lincoln Booster Club, vb summer camp team 150.00 Vendor Total: 150.00 ATLANTIC COMM SCH DIST, JV WRESTLING TOURN. 100.00 ATLANTIC COMM SCH DIST, SOCCER TOURN/ 80.00 Vendor Total: 180.00 BUFFUM, WILLIAM, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/10/24 170.00 BUFFUM, WILLIAM, OFFICIATING SB 6/20/24 140.00 BUFFUM, WILLIAM, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/5/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 450.00 CAPITAL ONE BANK, JH PLAY SUPPLIES 50.00 SOFTBALL SUPPLIES 94.94 MAV POSTERS 972.00 TRAVEL STATE TRACK 3,106.88 Vendor Total: 4,223.82 CHARLIE RIESS, OFFICIATING BASEBALL 6/7/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 160.00 CONOVER, CASEY, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/7/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 140.00 DANNCO INC, VBUNIFORMS DONATED BY BC 1,282.00 DANNCO INC, PANTS SOFTBALL 342.70 DANNCO INC, BAGS AND PLUGS 436.90 DANNCO INC, BELTS BB 223.50 DANNCO INC, BB SUPPLIES 83.90 Vendor Total: 2,369.00 DANNER, TODD, OFFICIATING BB 6/27/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 160.00 DENISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, SOCCER ENTRY FEE 100.00 Vendor Total: 100.00 ELDRIDGE, BJ, VB CAMP DUES 500.00 Vendor Total: 500.00 FARLEY, SHANE, OFFICIATING SB 6/27/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 140.00 HANSEN, SUE, OFFICIATING SB 6/14/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 140.00 HEUER PUBLISHING LLC., PLAY SUPPLIES 175.75 Vendor Total: 175.75 IGCA, MEMBERSHIP 24-25 95.00 Vendor Total: 95.00 IOWA H.S. ATHLETIC DIRECTORS' ASSOC, MEMBERSHIP 24-25 180.00 Vendor Total: 180.00 JIM BRUCK, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/10/24 170.00 JIM BRUCK, OFFICIATING BASEBALL 6/5/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 330.00 JOHNSON, CHRIS, OFFICIATING BB 6/25/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 160.00 KEITH WOHLERS, OFFICIATING BB 6/14/24 190.00 Vendor Total: 190.00 KNOD, RADIO BROAD CAST BB/SB 105.00 Vendor Total: 105.00 MAVERICK VOLLEYBALL CAMPS, VB TEAM CAMP 1,332.00 Vendor Total: 1,332.00 MCCALL, ZACH, OFFICIATING BB 6/14/24 190.00 MCCALL, ZACH, OFFICIATING BB 6/20/24 160.00 MCCALL, ZACH, OFFICIATING 160.00 Vendor Total: 510.00 MICHELLE WHITNEY, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/11/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 140.00 PORTER, SAMUEL, OFFICIATING BASEBALL 6/5/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 160.00 REGG CARNES, OFFICIATING BASEBAL 6/11/24 160.00 REGG CARNES, OFFICIATING SB 6/20/24 140.00 REGG CARNES, OFFICIATING BB 6/25/24 160.00 REGG CARNES, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/5/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 600.00 REISS, TYLER, OFFICIATING BASEBALL 6/7/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 160.00 RICK JONES, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/7/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 140.00 SEYMOUR, ANDREW, OFFICIATING BASEBAL 6/11/24 160.00 SEYMOUR, ANDREW, OFFICIATING BB 6/20/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 320.00 SWEENEY, BRIAN, OFFICIATING SOFTBALL 6/11/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 140.00 TEACHER SUPPORT ORGANIZATION, TSO PORTION OF CONCESSIONS 3,820.34 Vendor Total: 3,820.34 TLUSTOS, BOB, OFFICIATING SB 6/14/24 140.00 TLUSTOS, BOB, OFFICIATING SB 6/27/24 140.00 Vendor Total: 280.00 TRACE PETERSON, OFFICIATING BB 6/27/24 160.00 Vendor Total: 160.00 Fund Total: 17,785.91 LATCH KEY PROGRAM CAPITAL ONE BANK, KC TENT 135.99 PANTHER ROOM SUPPLIES 593.66 Vendor Total: 729.65 LOGAN SUPER FOODS, PR/KC FOOD 39.13 Vendor Total: 39.13 Fund Total: 768.78 SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUNDS CLARKSON COLLEGE ATTN FIN. AID, RED CROSS SCHOLARSHIP 250.00 Vendor Total: 250.00 DMACC, RED CROSS SCHOLARSHIP 250.00 Vendor Total: 250.00 Fund Total: 500.00 Checking Account Total: 19,054.69 SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND CHESTERMAN COMPANY, LUNCHLINE VENDING 331.11 Vendor Total: 331.11 COLLINS, KATHLEEN LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND 48.35 Vendor Total: 48.35 ELIZABETH HARTWIG LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND 3.65 Vendor Total: 3.65 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 83.66 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 319.09 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD-CREDIT (48.66) HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 82.90 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 380.90 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 49.44 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 250.89 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD-CREDIT (1.34) HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 33.46 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 364.20 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 82.87 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 266.84 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 82.90 HILAND DAIRY FOODS, FOOD 314.85 Vendor Total: 2,262.00 PAN-O-GOLD BAKING CO, FOOD 441.00 PAN-O-GOLD BAKING CO, FOOD 125.60 PAN-O-GOLD BAKING CO, FOOD 232.80 Vendor Total: 799.40 RICHARD HIATT LUNCH ACCT REFUND 28.95 Vendor Total: 28.95 SKINNER, KIMBERLY LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND 1.50 Vendor Total: 1.50 SOPHIE JOHNSEN LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND 20.15 Vendor Total: 20.15 STUEVE, DAVID LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND 1.15 Vendor Total: 1.15 TERESA CZARNECKI LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND 18.80 Vendor Total: 18.80 Fund Total: 3,515.06 Checking Account Total: 3,515.06 MVTN 7-24-24