CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, September 9, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., …


CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, September 9, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. Roll Call Council members present: John Glennie, Karen Breyfogle, Mary Seago, and Chad Wilson. Absent: Jim Rains. Staff present: Alyx Hirst, Steve Hinkel, and new public works superintendent, Mike Kelley. Public present: Brandi Kelley, Anna Kelley. c. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda by J. Glennie with a second by M. Seago. Motion carried 4-0. d. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the August 5th, 2024 meeting minutes by M. Seago and seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 4-0. e. Ahlers & Cooney Invoice M. Seago made a motion to approve the Ahlers & Cooney claim in the amount of $18,700.00. The motion was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 4-0. f. Approval of All Other Claims as Presented K. Breyfogle made a motion to approve all other claims as presented and they were seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 4-0. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Community Center/Facility Report The community center manager sent in her report to the city council. 4. Library Report None 5. Fire Department Report None 6. Property Maintenance Report (John Harrison, Bluffs Inspection Service John emailed an update regarding property violations. He stated that the property owners at 401 North Main, and 408 Maple Street have both sent in receipts that show their shipping containers were purchased and or set prior to the updated ordinance. He also stated that going by the shown receipts, the containers should be in compliance with the Mondamin Ordinances. Council agreed. 7. Old Business None 8. New Business a. Council review and consideration of Pay Application No. 13, Project 180263.01, in the amount of $292,596.91. Pay Application subject to USDA review and concurrence (water plant) K. Breyfogle motioned to approve Pay Application No. 13 in the amount of $292,596.91 to RP Constructors, subject to review and concurrence from USDA. The motion was seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 4-0. b. Council review and consideration of Pay Application No. 2, Project 180263.01, in the amount of $57,808.28. Pay Application subject to USDA review and concurrence (water meters) K. Breyfogle motioned to approve Pay Application No. 2 in the amount of $57,808.28 to Armodus, subject to review and concurrence from USDA. The motion was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 4-0. c. Recommendation/Action: Short-term CD for water plant savings funds Clerk Hirst stated that the money in the water savings account could be put into a short-term CD to gain interest until we need to use it. M. Seago motioned to put $85,318.90 into a Midstates CD for a period of 4 months. The motion was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion passed unanimously. d. Recommendation/Action: Engineering Survey at 501 Cedar St. M. Seago presented minutes from the Mondamin Community Partners Meeting regarding the request from city council to explore possible options for the development of the acres around the new water treatment plant. Mary stated that she would like to reach out to an engineering firm for their recommendation, but that MCP recommends that the best option at this time would be to sell the property for the sole purpose of constructing family housing. No action was taken but Mary will reach out to the engineer for the water treatment plant for guidance. e. Recommendation/Action: Employee Evaluations The evaluation committee reported on the employee’s evaluations, reporting that both Steve and Alyx received an exceptional rating. K. Breyfogle motioned that both Alyx Hirst and Steve Hinkel receive an annual 5% pay increase and it be retroactive July 1, 2024. With this increase, new hourly rates will be as follows: Steve Hinkel $24.35 and Alyx Hirst, $18.44. The motion was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 4-0. f. Open balances on customer accounts that are delinquent 120 days or greater Clerk Hirst stated that she would like to write off balances from customers who are either deceased or that were customers long ago as some have aged in the billing system well over 1500 days. Alyx wanted to note that none of these balances are from current utility billing residents. Discussion was held. Clerk Hirst stated that she would have a resolution ready for next months meeting. g. Open balances on customer accounts that are delinquent 60 days or less After much discussion and taking into consideration all residents, K. Breyfogle motioned not to grant extensions of any kind for delinquent utility customers. The motion was seconded by M. Seago. Roll call. All ayes. Motion passed unanimously. Breyfogle stated that residents are expected to pay their utility bill each month and if there is a grievance, customers need to bring it to the city council meeting and speak with them, not to take it out on Alyx. h. Cedar Street Repairs Discussion. M. Seago stated that the city should start getting quotes for repairing Cedar Street as she would like to have it resurfaced next spring. i. Trees at 306 S Noyes Clerk Hirst discussed the two (2) trees at 306 S Noyes that are of critical concern as they are dropping large limbs. M. Seago motioned to collect bids for the two (2) trees and have them available for the October meeting. The motion was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 4-0. j. Trees at 200 S Noyes Clerk Hirst stated that the owner of 200 S Noyes would like the Ash tree in the property’s right-of-way removed so he can plant new trees. Council stated that unless the trees are of critical concern, they want to wait for the DNR recommendation for removal. No action taken. k. Steve Hinkel comp hours Based off of the recommendation of the mayor, K. Breyfogle motioned to pay Steve for his 64.50 hours of comp time that he has accumulated since June. The motion was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 4-0. l. Bench swing at the city park M. Seago presented council with a rendering of a new bench swing that would replace the one in the city park that is bent and not working properly. M. Seago motioned to approve the new bench swing in the amount of $3,200 and for the swing to be paid from the Mondamin Community Betterment account. The motion was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 4-0. m. Rock quote for around the city shed Clerk Hirst presented a quote from Armodus for rock and hauling. M. Seago motioned to approve the quote in the amount of $1,175 for around 28 ton. The motion was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion passed unanimously. n. Broken freezer at the community center After discovering that the old commercial freezer would not be able to be repaired in a costly manner, J. Glennie stated that the community center board purchased a replacement from Bonsel Appliance in Dunlap that would work until a new commercial one could be bought. o. Discussion regarding city’s old maintainer used for snow removal Discussion. Mike thought he would be able to look at it a little more in depth and see if he can get it running again. p. Heritage Day 2025: Discussion regarding bounce houses and possible action to reserve M. Seago motioned to reserve the bounce houses for next year with a 20% down payment. The motion was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 4-0. 9. Mayor’s Report None 10. Clerk’s Report Clerk Hirst reported that she submitted the city’s debt report on time. She has been working on switching cards and accounts over to Mike’s name and removing Steve since he will be leaving at the end of the month. Alyx also stated that she will be working with Municipal Supply on the new meter reading software and hoping for the best outcome for compatibility with the utility billing software. 11. Public Works Report Steve stated that he has been working on burning the rest of the tree pile at the lagoon. Mike stated that he had been working at the city shed knocking weeds down and cleaning up around it. 12. Commissioner Reports M. Seago presented council with an option to refurbish some of our park benches and tables that are in bad condition. More information will be provided next month. 13. Other Business None 14. Adjourn Having no further business to conduct, K. Breyfogle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. These minutes are as recorded by the Mondamin City Clerk and subject to approval at the next regular city council meeting. Attest: Alyx Hirst City Clerk, City of Mondamin Operating Account Operating Account City of Mondamin Claims Paid August 6, 2024 through September 9, 2024 Name, Memo, Amount Hinkel, Steven R, payroll 4,538.73 Hirst, Alyxandria M, payroll 2,419.72 Hussing, Christine C, payroll 1,265.89 Kelley, Michael R, payroll 3,683.82 Anderson, Roberta M, payroll 430.30 Intuit, annual QuickBooks subscription fees 1,308.61 IPERS, July 2024 IPERS 1,554.98 United States Treasury, July 2024 payroll taxes 2,401.16 Windstream, charges for services 322.30 Armodus, LLC, water meters pay app #1 118,429.09 Kevin Cox, removal of trees 2,350.00 Midstates Bank NA, water plant construction loan payoff 2,482,051.23 Armodus, LLC, storm sewer at S Clark & Pine - remove & replace 30,624.50 Armodus, LLC, drainage & pavement replacement on S.Clark & Maple 32,010.00 Iowa Finance Authority, water plant planning & design loan payoff 468,537.44 Iowa League of Cities, membership dues 427.00 Transfer, domant status charge 1.00 Transfer, domant status charge 1.00 Midstates Bank (v), internet banking service charge 25.00 Thomas, Brandi Kelley, paid out water deposit 46.89 Bluffs Inspection Service, charges for inspection services 683.79 FNBO (Christine), dead bolt, binder clips, book 61.13 FNBO (Steve), ink, background check, ice bags, toilet paper, paper towels 767.71 Hollman Media, charges for services 115.00 USA Blue Book, water supplies 362.07 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 14.00 VC3, Inc, charges for IT services 251.34 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for garbage services 1,837.00 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for garbage services 120.00 T & S Electric, Inc., washer/dryer hookup at comm. ctr. 1,485.00 Missouri Valley Times News, publications 209.81 Winsupply, 8" couplings for water dept. 1,090.00 Eco Water Systems, sofener salt at comm. Ctr 26.00 Harrison County Landfill Commission, September 2024 assessment 742.00 Analytical & Consulting Services, Inc., wastewater testing 594.50 Hawkins, Inc., water chemicals 258.86 Lang Diesel, Inc., mower deck belt and blades 264.21 Bomgaars, keys, wasp and bug spray 28.41 Mid American Energy, charges for services 1,630.43 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, pollutant discharge annual fee 210.00 Blair Ace Hardware, GFI and glass cleaner 39.77 PeopleService Inc., charges for services 2,163.61 Crary Huff Law Firm, charges for legal services 693.00 Harrison County REC, charges for services 443.44 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 14.00 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 14.00 Missouri Valley Times News, publications 20.00 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 14.00 Boruff Plumbing, water main on south west corner of Pine & South Vine 1,730.35 USA Blue Book, water testing supplies 102.73 Alyx Hirst, mileage and postal reimbursement 85.02 Harrison County Treasurer, drainage taxes for FY25 323.05 Iowa League of Cities, Grant Finder - remainder of fee 25.00 Follett School Solutions, library subscription 1,171.44 Loftus Heating, Inc., library services 95.44 Crary Huff Law Firm, charges for legal services 453.38 Crary Huff Law Firm, charges for legal services 328.50 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 14.00 TOTAL 3,170,910.65 INCOME FOR AUGUST 2024 Utility Service Charges $18,592.38 King's Court Housing Rent $3,000.00 Park Shelter $246.00 Transfer to Operating from Roads $62,634.50 Township Contribution $800.00 Sale of Library Book $9.00 Library 28E Agreement $159.00 USDA Rural Development (Water Plant Project) $3,316,915.50 CDBG Reimbursement $48,123.00 Road Use Tax $3,560.24 Local Option Sales Tax $3,095.89 Interest Earned $52.41 Total Income from August: $3,457,187.92 Attest: Alyx Hirst, City Clerk September 9, 2024 City Council Meeting MVTN 9-18-24