CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, May 6, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., leading …


CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, May 6, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. Roll Call Council members present: John Glennie, Jim Rains, Karen Breyfogle, Mary Seago, and Terry Coyle. Staff present: Alyx Hirst and Steve Hinkel. Public present: None. c. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda by J. Rains, with a second by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 5-0. d. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the April 1st, 2024 meeting minutes at 7:00pm and at 7:15pm by J. Glennie and seconded by T. Coyle. Motion carried 5-0. Motion to approve April 29th, 2024 meeting minutes at 6:00pm and at 6:15pm by K. Breyfogle with a second by J. Rains. Motion carried 5-0. e. Approval of Claims as Presented M. Seago made a motion to approve claims as presented and they were seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Public Comments None 3. Community Center/Facility Report The community center manager sent in her reports to council. 4. Library Report None 5. Fire Department Report None 6. Old Business a. Tornado Siren Mayor Howrey wanted an update regarding the tornado siren and when it would be fixed. Steve stated that AM Electric would be in town to look at it this week. 7. New Business a. Council review and consideration of Pay Application No. 9, Project 180263.01, in the amount of $123,273.49. Pay Application subject to USDA review and concurrence K. Breyfogle motioned to approve Pay Application No. 9 in the amount of $123,273.49 to RP Constructors, subject to review and concurrence from USDA. The motion was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 5-0. b. Resolution #2024-15: Approval of Harrison County Law Enforcement Contract FY2024/25 K. Breyfogle motioned to approve the law contract for FY2024/2025. The motion was seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 5-0. c. Approval of Rhonda’s Children & Family Entertainment Invoice for Heritage Day 2024 M. Seago stated that the invoice for face painting during Heritage Day would be $292.50 for 3 hours of service. K. Breyfogle motioned to approve the invoice to Rhonda’s Children & Family Entertainment, and it was seconded by J. Rains. Motion passed unanimously. d. Approval of Little Tuggers Pedal Tractor Pull Invoice for Heritage Day 2024 M. Seago discussed the invoice with the council and reported that an anonymous donor would contribute $400.00 to help pay for the pedal pull activity for the children. The total invoice would be for $908.00 but with the donation, the city would pay $508.00. K. Breyfogle motioned to pay the invoice and it was seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried. e. Heritage Day Tabled until next month. f. Building Permit: 207 S Noyes St. Motion to approve building permit at 207 S Noyes St. by J. Rains and it was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 5-0. g. Building Permit: 401 Pine St. Motion to approve building permit at 401 Pine St. by K. Breyfogle and it was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 5-0. 8. Mayor’s Report None 9. Clerk’s Report Clerk Hirst reported on the Work Change Directive given to the city by JEO Engineering. The purpose of this directive is to connect an additional 8 service lines that were unaccounted for in the original plans to the new water main being installed and to offset the cost by reducing 206 square yards of concrete pavement that would have been the access road to well #2. Instead of pavement, the access road will now be crushed rock. This also extends the completion date by 5 days to account for the additional work RP Constructors will need to add. Council asked Alyx to contact bond counsel for input. Clerk Hirst also reported nuisances and ordinance violations and was asked to contact our property maintenance inspector, John Harrison. 10. Public Works Report None 11. Commissioner Reports None 12. Other Business Terry Coyle gave his resignation to the city. The council thanked him for all the years of civic service he has done for Mondamin. 13. Adjourn Having no further business to conduct, K. Breyfogle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. These minutes are as recorded by the Mondamin City Clerk and subject to approval at the next regular city council meeting. Attest: Alyx Hirst City Clerk City of Mondamin Operating Account City of Mondamin Claims Paid April 2, 2024 through May 6, 2024 Name, Memo, Amount Baker, Tanner, remainder of deposit, 0.52 Hinkel, Steven R, payroll, 4,538.73 Hirst, Alyxandria M, payroll, 1,349.71 Hussing, Christine C, payroll, 1,272.06 Anderson, Roberta M, payroll, 322.72 Collison, Timothy J, payroll, 415.67 RP Constructors LLC, Pay Application No. 8 - water plant, 420,105.09 Intuit, payroll subscription fees, 25.68 IPERS, March 2024 IPERS, 986.82 United States Treasury, March 2024 Payroll Taxes, 1,532.62 Sam's Club, envelopes, 14.88 Harrison County Development Corporation, annual meeting fees, 100.00 AJ Madison, washer/dryer for community center, 6,708.99 Windstream, charges for services, 322.35 Iowa Dept of Rev (state wh), Q1 2024 withholding, 457.38 Iowa Workforce Development, Q1 2024 IA Unemployment, 20.71 Hollman Media, charges for IT services, 45.00 Midstates Bank (v), Internet Banking Service Charge, 25.00 Heartland Co-op - Comm. Ctr, leak test, 20.00 Heartland Co-op - City, leak test, 20.00 Harrison County Development Corporation, FY24 Q4 - 28E agreement, 237.93 Analytical & Consulting Services, Inc., wastewater testing, 594.50 WEX BANK, fuel for fire and roads, 634.98 Crary Huff Law Firm, charges for legal services, 162.00 Missouri Valley Times News, publications, 182.04 Garage Door Services, Inc, fire dept garage doors, 2,257.00 Hawkins, Inc., water chemicals, 244.87 VC3, Inc, charges for IT services, 251.34 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services, 1,837.00 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services, King's Court, 120.00 USA Blue Book, water testing supplies, 457.67 USA Blue Book, water testing supplies, 103.95 Harrison County Landfill Commission, charges for services, 742.00 Thiele Geotech, Inc., concrete testing - water plant, 686.00 Southwest Iowa Planning Council, CDBG services - water plant, 804.00 JEO Consulting Group Inc., engineering services - water plant project, 7,284.35 Missouri Valley Times News, publications, 104.16 Mid American Energy, charges for services, 1,419.98 PeopleService Inc., water & wastewater services, 2,176.18 Demco, library supplies, 147.14 Demco, library supplies, 412.65 Harrison County REC, charges for services, 694.96 Garage Door Services, Inc, fire dept garage doors, 350.00 Analytical & Consulting Services, Inc., wastewater testing, 503.00 Crary Huff Law Firm, charges for legal services, 1,233.00 Hollman Media, charges for IT services, 57.50 Hawkins, Inc., water chemicals, 194.48 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing, 14.00 Follett School Solutions, library supplies, 17.00 Menards - Fremont, weed n feed and ortho, 497.74 FNBO (Steve), toilet paper, paper towels, toilet cleaner, ink, adobe, 540.25 FNBO (Christine), books/materials for library - King Grant 2023, 373.68 TOTAL, 463,619.28 INCOME FOR APRIL 2024 Utility Service Charges, $16,231.35 King's Court Housing Rent, $3,000.00 Dog License, $30.00 Park Shelter, $160.00 Building Permit, $20.00 Community Center Rentals, $950.00 Proceeds of Debt - Midstates Loan, $427,943.19 MidAmerican Grant, $500.00 SW Iowa Foundation Grant, $7,500.00 Fire Dept. Donation, $100.00 Library Donations, $400.00 Water Tower Rent, $1,000.00 Township Contributions, $5,995.00 Property Tax, $72,380.34 Road Use Tax, $3,878.01 Local Option Sales Tax, $2,804.13 Interest Earned, $68.69 Total Income from April: $542,960.71 Attest: Alyx Hirst, City Clerk May 6, 2024 City Council Meeting MVTN 5-29-24