CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, June 3, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., leading …


CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, June 3, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. Roll Call Council members present: John Glennie, Jim Rains, Karen Breyfogle, and Mary Seago. One vacant seat. Karen Breyfogle was present by phone. Staff present: Alyx Hirst and Steve Hinkel. Public present: Chad Wilson arrived at 7:41 p.m. c. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda by J. Glennie, with a second by M. Seago. Motion carried 4-0. d. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the May 6th, 2024 meeting minutes by K. Breyfogle and seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 4-0. Motion to approve May 13th, 2024 meeting minutes by M. Seago with a second by J. Glennie. Motion carried 4-0. e. Approval of Claims as Presented J. Rains made a motion to approve claims as presented and they were seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 4-0. 2. Public Comments None 3. Community Center/Facility Report The community center manager sent in her reports to council. 4. Library Report Christine emailed her report to the council as she was out of town. 5. Fire Department Report None 6. Old Business None 7. New Business a. Council review and consideration of Pay Application No. 10, Project 180263.01, in the amount of $209,961.99. Pay Application subject to USDA review and concurrence M. Seago motioned to approve Pay Application No. 10 in the amount of $209,961.99 to RP Constructors, subject to review and concurrence from USDA. The motion was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 4-0. b. Council appointment to fill a vacancy M. Seago motioned to appoint Chad Wilson to the vacant council seat left by Richard “Terry” Coyle. The motion was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion passed unanimously. c. Resignation of Steve Hinkel Steve Hinkel stated that his last day would be September 27th, 2024. J. Glennie motioned to accept Steve’s resignation and it was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 4-0. d. Steve Hinkel comp hours Clerk Hirst stated that Steve has 59 hours of comp time and due to the fiscal year ending this month, she would like to pay him for it. J. Rains motioned to approve the payroll payment of 59 hours. J. Glennie seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. e. USDA Water and Waste System Grant Agreement M. Seago motioned to approve the USDA Water and Waste System Grant Agreement and it was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 4-0. f. Replacement of bench swing at the city park Discussion. Mary Seago, parks commissioner, stated that she would research options. No action taken at this time. g. Jiffy Mart tobacco license renewal 2024-2025 Motion to approve tobacco license from K. Breyfogle and seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 4-0. h. West Harrison Youth Sports Color Run Fundraiser Event Clerk Hirst stated that the West Harrison Youth Sports Organization would like to hold a color run fundraising event in Mondamin on the streets outlining the edge of town sometime in September. M. Seago motioned to approve the route and it was seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 4-0. The exact date will be determined at a later time. i. Designated tornado shelter Discussion. Currently, there is no designated shelter in Mondamin. j. Eco Water Systems bid for a new water softener at the community center Motion by M. Seago to approve the rental option for a new water softener from Eco Water for the Mondamin Community Center and to be put on the quarterly schedule for salt and maintenance of the machine. The motion was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion passed unanimously. k. Heritage Day The parade route and the map of events in the park were discussed for this year’s Heritage Day. The date was also set for next year’s Heritage Day. It will be June 7th, 2025. l. Nuisances: dogs, shipping containers, yards, foul odors Clerk Hirst discussed many nuisances that have been reported to her by residents. She clarified with Council what the next step should be regarding dogs that remain unlicensed. Alyx will also be in contact with John Harrison who is Mondamin’s Property Maintenance Inspector. m. Building Permit: 207 Cedar St. Motion to renew the building permit for a fence at 207 Cedar St by K. Breyfogle with a second by M. Seago. Motion carried 3-1 as J. Rains abstains. n. Building Permit 101 South St. Motion to approve a building permit for a storage shed with concrete floor for 101 South St. by J. Rains and seconded by K. Breyfogle. Motion carried 4-0. 8. Mayor’s Report None 9. Clerk’s Report As stated earlier, Alyx discussed the multitude of nuisance calls. She has continued to work with Taxpayer Advocate Services on back payroll taxes from 2017. She stated that a special meeting needs to be called to approve the replacement of the air conditioner at city hall and to discuss the wage increase for the community center manager, Roberta Anderson. The special meeting will be held on Wednesday June 5th, at 6:00p.m. 10. Public Works Report Steve reported on the progress of the new water plant and the new water main that was placed on the South side of town. He also stated that he fears there is a leak somewhere but is unable to locate it at this time. Lastly, Steve stated that the tornado siren had a broken belt, and it was replaced by AM Electric. 11. Commissioner Reports Parks Commissioner Mary Seago stated that the park sidewalk by the park shelter could use a cleaning before Heritage Day and she also asked if there was an update regarding the new park electricity that is to be installed by AM Electric. Steve stated he would reach out to them for an update. 12. Other Business None 13. Adjourn Having no further business to conduct, K. Breyfogle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. These minutes are as recorded by the Mondamin City Clerk and subject to approval at the next regular city council meeting. Attest: Alyx Hirst City Clerk City of Mondamin Operating Account City of Mondamin Claims Paid May 7, 2024 through June 3, 2024 Name, Memo, Amount Ahlers & Cooney, PC, water plant legal services, 3,329.37 US Postal Service, stamps, 530.00 GPM, service call - flow meter 3-4-24, 448.00 RP Constructors LLC, Pay Application No. 9, 123,273.49 Intuit, payroll subscription fees, 44.94 IPERS, April 2024 IPERS, 966.52 United States Treasury, April 2024 payroll taxes, 1,499.88 Hinkel, Steven R, payroll, 3,147.59 Hirst, Alyxandria M, payroll, 883.72 Hussing, Christine C, payroll, 815.30 Anderson, Roberta M, payroll, 451.82 Windstream, charges for services, 321.38 Hollman Media, web hosting, 45.00 Midstates Bank (v), Internet Banking Service Charge, 25.00 Sam's Club, comm. ctr. supplies, 159.80 Christine Hussing, microwave reimbursement, 19.99 Maggie Rains, reimbursement for flowers, 43.26 FNBO (Steve), mulch and sam's club renewal, 275.19 FNBO (Christine), books/materials, 811.17 Harrison County Sheriff, Law Enforcement contract Q1 FY25, 2,010.00 WEX BANK, fuel for fire and roads depts, 460.36 Thiele Geotech, Inc., water plant concrete testing, 1,620.00 Iowa One Call, charges for services, 18.90 Missouri Valley Times News, publications, 15.88 IMWCA, Work Comp Premium FY24-25, 4,078.00 JEO Consulting Group Inc., water plant engineering, 8,304.55 BS Construction, air conditioner install at King's Court, 100.00 Follett School Solutions, cordless scanner at library, 309.00 PeopleService Inc., charges for services, 2,065.00 VC3, Inc, charges for IT services, 251.34 Hollman Media, web development, 28.75 Clark Pest & Termite Control Co, bug spraying, 330.00 Christine Hussing, yarn reimbursement, 12.00 Wellman Public Library, slatwall book holders, 5.00 Harrison County REC, charges for services, 759.40 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing, 14.00 Menards - Fremont, weed n feed, ortho, and toilet seat, 49.89 Boruff Plumbing, men's bathroom faucet at comm. Ctr., 135.00 Harrison County Humane Society, 28E agreement, 515.28 Rhonda's Children & Family Entertainment, Mondamin Heritage Day - face painting, 292.50 Mid American Energy, charges for services, 1,376.16 Missouri Valley Times News, publications, 201.88 AM Electric, fix tornado siren, 325.67 Harrison County Landfill Commission, clean up day 6/2/2024, 291.02 Hawkins, Inc., water chemicals, 244.87 Harrison County Landfill Commission, charges for services, 736.75 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services at senior housing, 120.00 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services, 1,837.00 Total, 163,599.62 MVTN 7-3-24