CITY OF LOGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET May 20, 2024 At 6:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. …


CITY OF LOGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET May 20, 2024 At 6:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. Council Members DeWitt, Moss, Sporrer, Troshynski and Mayor McDonald were present, Council Member Hinkel was absent. Agenda item 4 was to approve the agenda. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by Troshynski to approve the agenda. 4 ayes. Agenda item 5 was Open Public Hearing to hear comments for or against amending the FY 23/24 City budget. No public comments. Agenda item 6 was a motion to close the public hearing. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Moss to close the public hearing. 4 ayes. Agenda item 7 was open the regular council meeting. Agenda item 8 was approve consent agenda which consisted of approving the minutes of the May 6, 2024 regular meeting, setting the next meeting date as June 3rd, approve the claims register, and building permits for Chase Maguire, 321 N Tower Rd, electrical panel, remodel bathroom; Kurtis Hinkel, 1002 Skyline Dr, new front entry and steps; Missouri Valley Sheet Metal, 114 S 4th Ave, build new 1400 sf office and shop space; Kirk Hammitt, 311 N Linn Ave, replace rafters and roof on garage; Jeff Meyer, 118 W 7th St, chain link fence. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Moss to approve the consent agenda. 4 ayes. Agenda item 9 was to approve Resolution 24-12: A resolution amending the City Budget for the FY 23/24. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by DeWitt to approve Resolution 24-12: A resolution amending the City Budget for the FY 23/24. 4 ayes. Agenda item 10 was to approve Resolution 24-13: A resolution establishing the wages for the Jim Wood Aquatic Center Employees. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Moss to approve Resolution 24-13: A resolution establishing the wages for the Jim Wood Aquatic Center Employees. 4 ayes. Agenda item 11 was approve Resolution 24-14: A resolution authorizing the transfer of funds for FY 23/24. Motion was made by DeWitt and seconded by Moss to approve Resolution 24-14: A resolution authorizing the transfer of funds for FY 23/24. 4 ayes. Agenda item 12 was Discuss Water Plant Treatment Plant improvements. No updates, tabled. Agenda item 13 was to approve change order #3 in the amount of $1,923.69 on the N. 5th Ave. Street Improvements project for Non-CDBG funded paving items. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to approve change order #3 in the amount of $1,923.69 on the N. 5th Ave. Street Improvements project for Non-CDBG funded paving items. 4 ayes. Agenda item 14 was approve pay application #1 in the amount of $14,134.76 on the N. 5th Ave. Street Improvements project for Non-CDBG funded paving items. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Moss to approve pay application #1 in the amount of $14,134.76 on the N. 5th Ave. Street Improvements project for Non-CDBG funded paving items. 4 ayes. Agenda item 15 was update on the Trail Project by Veenstra & Kimm. No info yet from IDOT with project number. Craig and Tammy are still trying to get info to submit plans. Agenda item 16 was approve authorizing the Mayor to sign a Lease Amending Agreement with AMG Technology Investment Group, LLC, d.b.a. Nextlink for placement of their antenna on the water tower. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by Troshynski to approve authorizing the Mayor to sign a Lease Amending Agreement with AMG Technology Investment Group, LLC, d.b.a. Nextlink for placement of their antenna on the water tower. 4 ayes. Agenda item 17 was discuss and approve a proposed 28E Agreement with the Harrison Co. Sheriff’s Dept. to provide police and law enforcement services to the City of Logan. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Moss to approve the proposed 28E Agreement with Harrison Co. Sheriff’s Dept. to provide police and law enforcement services to the City of Logan. 4 ayes. Agenda item 18 was approve the renewal of the Met Life Dental Insurance plan through the Iowa League of Cities for July 1, 2024. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to approve the renewal of the Met Life Dental Insurance plan through the Iowa League of Cities for July 1, 2024. 4 ayes. Agenda item 19 was approve Resolution 24-15: A resolution approving a lease of farmland to Jackson Straight. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by DeWitt to approve Resolution 24-15: A resolution approving a lease of farmland to Jackson Straight. 4 ayes. Agenda item 20 was discuss and approve a recommendation on employee raises for FY 24/25. Clerk Winther gave the Council a spreadsheet showing 3% and 4% raises. During the budget workshops, 4% was used to complete the budget. Motion was made by DeWitt and seconded by Sporrer to approve a 4% raise. 4 ayes. Agenda item 21 was discuss and approve hiring a seasonal part-time mowing employee. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to hire seasonal part-time mowing employee Austin Bonham at $15/hour. 4 ayes. Agenda item 22 was approve the first reading of Ordinance 484: An ordinance amending Chapter 92 Water Rates. There will be a $10 increase to the monthly minimum bill and a $1.93 increase to cost per 1,000 gallons. This will help pay for current and upcoming water system updates. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by DeWitt to approve the first reading of Ordinance 484: An ordinance amending Chapter 92 Water Rates. 4 ayes. Agenda item 23 was approve the first reading of Ordinance 485: An ordinance amending Chapter 99 Sewer Service Charges. There will be a $5 decrease to the monthly minimum bill and no increase to the cost per 1,000 gallons. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to approve the first reading of Ordinance 485: An ordinance amending Chapter 99 Sewer Service Charges. 4 ayes. Agenda item 24 was the Clerk’s report. Agenda item 25 was citizen’s questions/comments. No citizen comments. CLAIMS AGRILAND FS, FUEL, 1,535.66 BAKER & TAYLOR, BOOKS, 65.59 BC'S PIZZA, POOL ORIENTATION PIZZA, 73.00 COUNSEL OFFICE & DOCUMENT, COPIER, 199.02 COUNTRY HARDWARE, NUTS, WASHERS, COMPACT, OIL, 433.57 D & M CONCRETE LLC, DRAINAGE MILLIMAN, 67.50 G & R NIFTY, SEEDING, CRAB GRASS CONTROL, 1,150.00 HACH COMPANY, WATER TESTER, 924.00 HARR CO REC, UTILITIES, 432.91 HYDRO PLUMBING INC., SHOP/DUMP STATION PLUGGED, 607.50 HYGIENIC LABORATORY, TESTS, 196.00 LOGAN AUTO SUPPLY, WIRING, 12V MAINTAINER, 162.54 LOGAN SUPER FOODS, SENIOR CENTER FOOD, 432.52 LSB PAYROLL TAXES, FED/FICA TAX, 3,557.86 MICROFILM, PRINTER, 30.00 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, UTILITIES, 145.96 MISSOURI VALLEY TIMES, LEGALS, 423.60 OUTDOOR RECREATION, RUBBER MULCH, 1,578.00 PITT, DOUGLAS, SENIOR CENTER MEAT, 169.74 POSTMASTER, POSTAGE, 386.00 R & S WASTE DISPOSAL, TRASH SERVICE, 67.95 SCHILDBERG CONSTRUCTION, ROCK WATERMAIN/STREET PATCH, 578.97 STINSON, ELLEN, SUPPLIES, GROCERIES, 82.85 THINKSPACEIT, IT SERVICES, 205.00 UPS, SHIPPING, 16.90 VEENSTRA & KIMM, INC., TRAILS PHASE I, TRAILS EASEMENTS, 3,825.00 VERIZON WIRELESS, CELL PHONE, 121.64 VISA, CONF REG, FIRST AIDE KITS, BOOKS, 1,493.73 WINNELSON CO, STORM PIPE, 5,661.22 PAYROLL CHECKS, PAYROLL CHECKS ON 05/13/2024, 12,120.77 CLAIMS TOTAL, 36,745.00 GENERAL FUND, 11,303.78 LIBRARY FUND, 1,367.91 ROAD USE FUND, 3,842.63 LOCAL OPTION TAX FUND, 1,578.00 URBAN HOUSING GRANT FUND, 4,419.48 Community Visioning Proj FUND, 3,825.00 WATER FUND, 6,132.99 SEWER FUND, 4,275.21 TOTAL, 36,745.00 Agenda item 26 was to adjourn. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to adjourn. 4 ayes. Karen Androy, Deputy Clerk Attest: Clinton McDonald, Mayor MVTN 5-29-24