TO: E.C. Barnette, his heirs and assigns, Person in Possession, Harrison County Treasurer, 111 North 2nd Ave., Logan, IA 51546 Harrison County Auditor, 111 North 2nd Ave., Logan, IA 51546 Harrison …


TO: E.C. Barnette, his heirs and assigns, Person in Possession, Harrison County Treasurer, 111 North 2nd Ave., Logan, IA 51546 Harrison County Auditor, 111 North 2nd Ave., Logan, IA 51546 Harrison County Attorney, 400 E. Erie St., Missouri Valley, IA 51555 Iowa Department of Revenue, Hoover State Office Bldg., 1305 E. Walnut, Des Moines, IA 50319 Iowa Attorney General, 1305 E. Walnut Street, Room 109, Des Moines, IA 50319 NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION In accordance with Iowa Code Section 447.9, you are hereby notified that: 1. The property described in paragraph 2 of this Notice was sold at tax sale on June 21, 2021, for delinquent taxes. The purchaser at the tax sale was Harrison County and Tax Sale Certificate #2021-00520 was issued at the sale to Harrison County. That Tax Sale Certificate #2021-00520 was subsequently assigned to the City of Missouri Valley on March 28, 2024. 2. The legal description of the property sold is: A part of the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 16, Township 78 North, Range 44 West Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1 Block 80 in Missouri Valley Real Estate and Improvement Companies 1st Addition, running thence West 200 feet to the point of beginning, thence South 150 feet, thence East 50 feet, thence North 150 feet, thence West 50 feet to the point of beginning. Town of Missouri Valley, Harrison County, Iowa, Also described as: The West 50 feet of the following tract: A part of East 10 acres of the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 16, Township 78 North, Range 44 West, described as commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1 in Block 80 in Mo. Valley Real Estate and Improvement Co’s 1st Addition, running thence West 200 feet, thence South 150 feet, thence East 50 feet, thence South 150 feet, thence East 150 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 6 in Block 80 in Mo Valley Real Estate and Improvement Co’s 1st Addition, thence North to point of beginning. 3. That your right of redemption as set forth in the Iowa Code will expire unless redemption of the property is made within 90 days from the date of completed service of this Notice. 4. If the right of redemption is all+owed to expire, a tax deed will be issued by the Treasurer of Harrison County, Iowa, thereby relinquishing your right, title and interest in the above-described real estate. Dated: 6/11/24 /s/ Shawn Kelly, Mayor MVTN 6-26-24