LOGAN CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that a recommendation for a change in zoning classification from the R-2 district to the R-4 district for …


LOGAN CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that a recommendation for a change in zoning classification from the R-2 district to the R-4 district for the purpose of allowing a Multi-Family Residence property for the conversion of a former nursing home to an apartment building has been received by the Logan City Council from the Logan Planning & Zoning Commission for parcels 460002117800000, 460002117900000, 460002148400000, 460002166200000 at 314 S. Elm Avenue, legally described below: The South 50 feet of the West 173 feet of Lot Five (5), and Lot Six (6) except the North 20 feet of the East 193 feet thereof, and 20 feet in width adjoining above described real estate on the west side thereof, being 20 foot alley vacated by Ordinance No. 98, dated April 5, .1909, recorded in Book 455, Page 34, records of Harrison County, Iowa. All in Block Forty-nine (49), Reel’s Addition to the Town of Logan, Harrison County, Iowa as platted and recorded. AND Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5), in Block Fifty-eight (58), Reel’s Addition to the Town of Logan, Harrison County, Iowa; and Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Block 58, running thence South 36 feet, thence West 386 feet, thence North 36 feet, thence East 386 feet to the point of beginning; and that part of the alley being west of said Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 58, being a strip 20 feet in width adjoining and immediately west of said Lots as above named and described. AND Lot Three (3) except the South 36 feet of East 148 feet thereof; and Four (4) except the East 148 feet thereof; and the North 10 feet of the West 173 feet of Lot Five (5) and the West 45 feet of the East 193 feet of Lot Five (5); and the West 45 feet of the East 193 feet of the North 20 feet of Lot Six (6); and a 20 foot strip adjoining on West side of said Lots 3 and 4 and the North 10 feet of the West 173 feet of Lot 5, all in Block Forty-nine (49), Reel’s Addition to the Town of Logan, Harrison County, Iowa. AND Part of Lot Six (6) and part of Lot Five (5), Block Forty-nine (49), Reel’s Addition to the City of Logan, Harrison County, IA, commencing at a point that is twenty feet south and 124 feet west of the northeast corner of said Lot 6, thence West 24 feet, thence North 24 feet, thence southeasterly a distance of 33.941 feet to the point of beginning. AND That portion of the vacated alley West of Lot Two (2), Block Forty-nine (49), Reel’s Addition to the City of Logan, Harrison County, Iowa. The recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, is to rezone the above mentioned property because the applicant’s petition for rezoning meets all ordinance requirements for proper submittal and the property is compliant with regard to all ordinance requirements for R-4 Zoning District land usage. The change from R-2 Zoning District to R-4 Zoning District is in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan therefore the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation to the City Council is to approve the petition for rezoning. A public hearing on this recommendation will be held by the Logan City Council at the Logan City Hall, 108 W. 4th St., on Monday, October 14th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. If you wish to state your views on the above recommendation, you are urged to attend this hearing or send your comments in writing to the Logan City Clerk’s office. CITY OF LOGAN, IOWA By: Angela Winther, City Clerk/Administrator MVTN 10-2-24